CompareTo On Rankings Screen

One of the most requested features for some time is to be able to compare the rankings not just to the last sample, but to a selected past date. This is highly relevant, for example, when your polling frequency is daily, but you want to see the progress made since last month.

So, the new feature we just added to our SEO software, allows you to do just that. Here is the screen:
Notice the “Compare To” selection. It has two options: one is to compare to last sample, which is the same as what we had until now. Second option, is to compare to a selected past date. That’s it – fairly simple.

This selection, as all other selections made on this screen, effects the export to CSV. So, if you compare to last month, and then press the export. The same “compare to” selection will appear on the exported CSV.

Another little change we did for the export to CSV, is that now we don’t show all search engines in one table as before. We only export the selected search engine rankings. This allowed us to also export the “URL in search results” column, which many users requested.

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Nathan O'Leary
14 years ago

This is a great feature and I have been dieing for you to add it. Thanks for making SheerSEO one of the best SEO tools on the market, and it keeps getting better!

Kent Looft
14 years ago

I have been on SS Trial acct for 5 days and not seeing data updates for my domain.

Does polling require a Resubmit or action by the member or is it just the current provided dataset?

Thanks for your expertise and attention.

DesignArts Advertising & Marketing
Phoenix AZ

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